Source code for dockerasmus.pdb.residue

# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import six
import numpy

from .atom import Atom

[docs]class Residue(dict): __slots__ = ("id", "_name") CTER_ATOMS = frozenset({"OXT"}) NTER_ATOMS = frozenset({"H1", "H2", "H3"}) def __init__(self, id, name=None, atoms=None): super(Residue, self).__init__(atoms or {}) = id self._name = name def __contains__(self, item): """Check if `item` is contained in the residue. Arguments: item: either an atom_id (`int`) or an `Atom` object to check if present within the residue. """ if isinstance(item, six.text_type): return super(Residue, self).__contains__(item) elif isinstance(item, Atom): return any(item == atom for atom in self.itervalues()) elif isinstance(item, int): return any(item == for atom in self.itervalues()) else: raise TypeError( "'in <Residue>' requires Atom or {}" " as left operand, not {}".format( six.text_type.__name__,type(item).__name__) ) def __hash__(self): return hash(hash(frozenset(self)) + hash( + hash( @property def cter(self): return not self.CTER_ATOMS.isdisjoint(self) @property def mass(self): """The mass of the residue. Computed as sum of the masses of the non-hydrogen atoms of the residue. """ return sum(atom.mass for atom in self.itervalues()) @property def mass_center(self): """The position of the mass center of the residue. Computed as the barycenter of the positions of the atoms weighted by their atomic masses. """ mass = self.mass return sum((atom.mass/mass)*atom.pos for atom in self.itervalues()) @property def name(self): if self._name is not None: if self._name == "HIS": return "HID" if "HD1" in self else "HIE" return self._name @property def nter(self): return not self.NTER_ATOMS.isdisjoint(self) if six.PY3: def itervalues(self): return six.itervalues(self) def iteritems(self): return six.iteritems(self)
[docs] def distance_to(self, other): """The distance of the mass center of the residue to ``other`` """ if len(other) != 3: raise ValueError("") #TODO return numpy.linalg.norm(self.mass_center - other)
[docs] def rmsd(self, ref): """The RMSD of the atoms of the residue, with ref as reference. Arguments: ref (`numpy.ndarray` or `list`): the x,y,z coordinates of the reference position. """ return numpy.sqrt( (1/len(self))*sum(atom.distance_to(ref) for atom in self) )