
With PyPI

dockerasmus is distributed on PyPI, which means it is possible to install through pip, the PyPA recommended tool for managing Python packages.

To install the whole module, simply run one of the following commands:

# pip install dockerasmus         # install on the whole system
$ pip install --user dockerasmus  # install for current user only

This will install the module with its requirements (numpy and six).

To use additional requirements (that make computations within dockerasmus) more efficient, install Theano and scipy with either one of the following commands:

# pip install theano scipy
$ pip install --user theano scipy

With GitLab

The easiest is to clone the repository, and then install it with PyPI (this is preferable to installing the module with setuptools as the setuptools install uses the deprecated egg format.)

$ git clone
# pip install .         # install on the whole system
$ pip install --user .  # install for current user only